H1644 G1 [转到字典二转到字典三]


01644garash {gaw-rash'} 字根型;TWOT-388;动词 钦定本-drive out 20,cast out 8,thrust out 6,drive away 2,put away 2, divorced 2,driven 1,expel 1,drive forth 1,surely 1,troubled 1, cast up 1,divorced woman 1;47 /1)赶走,驱逐,赶出,驱离,离婚,抛弃, 逼走,扰乱,翻腾起

01644garash {gaw-rash'} a primitive root;TWOT-388;v AV-drive out 20,cast out 8,thrust out 6,drive away 2,put away 2, divorced 2,driven 1,expel 1,drive forth 1,surely 1,troubled 1, cast up 1,divorced woman 1;47

1)to drive out,expel,cast out,drive away,divorce,put away, thrust away,trouble,cast up
-1a)(Qal)to thrust out,cast out
-1b)(Niphal)to be driven away,be tossed
-1c)(Piel)to drive out,drive away
-1d)(Pual)to be thrust out